Saturday, October 31, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dark Shadows the Salem Branch

Dark Shadows the Salem Branch by Lara Parker
published by Harper Collins Publishing
Copyright 2006

As the original Dark Shadows story line
ended, Barnabas Collins had escaped
the curse of the witch Angelique and found
his way back to humanity after two hundred
years as a ravenous vampire. Now actress
Lara Parker, Angelique herself, reveals the
next dark twist in the sage of love and cruelty.

The roots of the Collins family's power and wealth go deep ...

Barnabas Collins is ready to embark on a new life and marriage
with his savior, the virtuous Dr. Julia Hoffman. But when
Antoinette, a beautiful sixties flower child with a shocking resem-
blance to the immortal witch Angelique, rebuilds the Old House,
his past returns to haunt him. Discovering a grisly corpse in the
basement - where his own casket once lay - Barnabas realizes
another vampire has invaded his domain.

Did Antoinette summon the vampire, or is she as innocent as she
is beautiful? And what of her daughter, Jacqueline, confined for
delusions of witchcraft to the local sanitarium?

Back to the corrupt witch trials of old Salem itself ...

Barnabas's fight to protect his family from this new threat will
take him back through time to an evil moment in America's his-
tory. Two hundred years ago, Jacqueline's previous incarnation
was tried and condemned to hang as a witch in Salem.
Desperate, she spilled the blood of her newborn babe to cure her
greedy and corrupt judges - including a Collins. How powerful is
her malevolent curse, and how much of her fate and her witch-
craft does present-day Jacqueline remember?

After a wait of thirty years, the next chapter in the Dark Shadows saga finally unfolds with the full measure of eroticism, spellbind- ing suspense, and gripping storytelling that made the original television series a timeless hit.

This cover is really cool. I think we have a men running from houses cover here. The witch, looming over a sinister house and our poor tormented hero in the foreground. Ah, Photoshop is SO fun.

Best thing about this book ? Lara Parker signed it. Go me!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Barnabas Colins and the Mysterious Ghost - Book 13

Barnabas Collins and the Mysterious Ghost Marilyn (Dan) Ross
published by Harper Collins Publishing
Copyright 1970

Collinwood is plagued with a series of men
acing events when a ballet troupe arrives
there to perform for the summer tourists.
One girl in particular, the beautiful Diana
Samson, who Barnabas has come to love, (of course he has)
is repeatedly attached by a mysterious, in
visible presence.

When the star of the ballet is murdered,
everyone is suspect - including Diana and
Barnabas. (of course he is) And when several graves are
found opened, the old legend of the invisible
ghost of Collinwood is revived.

As the attaches on Diana continue, Barna-
bas must find a way to stop them before she
is murdered. But will he have to fight a hu-
man enemy - or a supernatural force with
powers greater than his own?

TERIOUS GHOST is the thirteenth in a
series of thrilling novels based on ABC-TV's
popular suspense drama, DARK SHADOWS.

Apparently Collinwood is like the Motel 6 of Collinsport. Everyone comes to stay. Despite all the mysterious attacks by wolves , deaths by misadventure and flat- out, poor hospitality, they all flock to visit.

That must be one hell of a brochure.

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Demon of Barnabas Collins - Book 8

The Demon of Barnabas Collins (Dan) Ross
published by Harper Collins Publishing
Copyright 1969

The arrival of a movie company at Collin-
wood gives Barnabas a chance to escape
Angelique's awful curse - the curse which has
made him one of the living dead.

Barnabas meets and falls in love with beau-
tiful film star Rita Gleen. In order to save
him, she introduces him to the mysterious Dr.
Moreno who has a cure for Barnabas.

Barnabas is jubilant over his recover - but
not for long. Suddenly he is in a life and death
battle with another vampire - with Rita's life
at stake. The only way to save her is to return
to the curse once again.

is the eighth in a series of thrilling novels
based on ABC-TV's popular suspense drama,
DARK SHADOWS. For a complete list, see
page two of this book.

Wow, Barnabas is like a teenage boy with how easily he falls in love. Just be remotely attractive and in the same general vicinity and he's head-over-heels. He's ready to confess to you about his poorly concealed "condition", switch to your health care provider and even be willing to get re-cursed all for someone he's known for a week.

They don't mention it but I am just sure the before page forty he's broached the subject of a joint checking account.

I just got access to a couple more of the Dark Shadows earlier books. Even though this will make them a bit out of order, I wanted to included them.

One last thing, don't you think it odd that on this cover Barnabas Collins is staring at his stake and mallet like he doesn't know quite what to do with them? I mean, he's been a vampire for 200 years, it's pretty straight forward.

Anniversary Message

Being our thirteenth it only seems appropriate that all our plans have taken the turn that they have.

I love you Aaron.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Dark Shadows Dreams of the Dark

Dark Shadows Dreams of the Dark by Stephen Mark Rainey and Elizabeth Massie
published by Harper Collins Publishing
Copyright 1999


Angelique and Barnabas. Lovers once upon
a time, through treachery and deceit they have
now become immortal enemies. To pay for her
evil jealously that left Barnabas damned to
feast on the blood of humans, Angelique has
been banished to the netherworld. Meanwhile,
Barnabas lives a lie, carefully guarding his
hellish secret from the unsuspecting mortals
with whom he lives - including Victoria
Winters, the ethereally beautiful governess to
the Collins family.

Determined to escape her dark
imprisonment, Angelique conjures a diabolical
plan that will make her flesh again. Using her
psychic powers, she will send another vampire
to destroy Barnabas completely. But as she will
soon discover, the powers of darkness may
have found their match in the burning light of
innocence .... and love.

Vividly imagined, grippingly written,
each Dark Shadows novel is filled with the
eroticism, supernatural suspense, and
spellbinding story telling that has made this
classic daytime serial a timeless hit.

Okay, well our covers are getting a little closer to the theme. We have a beautiful house which, for our purposes, we will call scary. We have a bat and we have a man wearing too much make-up posing with a cane in a less than menacing way, but for our purposes we will say that we are being threatened by a cane.

I like to think that in this cover WE are the woman running from the house. Pretty exciting really.

Note to self: Must read gothic romance novels when walking on the treadmill for increased speed inspiration.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dark Shadows Angelique's Descent

Dark Shadows Angelique's Descent by Lara Parker
published by Harper Collins Publishing
Copyright 1998

Two of the most popular Dark Shadows characters,
Barnabas Collins and Angelique, were eternally
bound by love and hate. Now, actress Lara Parker,
Angelique herself, tells you how it all began.


The dashing heir of a New England shipping magnate,
Barnabas Collins captured the heart of the exquisite, young
Angelique amidst the sensual beauty of Martinique, her
island home. But Angelique's brief happiness is doomed
when Barnabas cruelly deserts her and becomes engaged to
another. Little, though, does Barnabas know of the evil his
betrayal will unleash ...


For Angelique is no ordinary woman. Raised in the
mysterious black art of voodoo witchcraft, she had long ago
pledged her soul to darkness and become immortal. Vowing
to torment and destroy Barnabas, a vengeful Angelique
damns him to eternal life as a vampire - a companion to
accompany her forever. Little, though, does Angelique
understand the depth of Barnabas's fury...

Vividly imagined, grippingly written, each Dark Shadows
novel is filled with the eroticism, supernatural suspense, and
spellbinding storytelling that has made this classic daytime
serial a timeless hit.

Now I promised all Dark Shadows this month but I have run out of the 60's and 70's novels.

I am a huge fan of Dark Shadows, and of the books written by Dan Ross. And, while this one is actually written far better, it just loses the innocence of the old show and book series. It is still fun and Angelique, of course, is a total badass.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Barnabas, Quentin, And the Magic Potion - Book 25

Barnabas, Quentin, and the Magic Potion by Marilyn (Dan) Ross
published by Paperback Library
Copyright 1971

Barnabas predicts trouble for Collin-
wood when Nicholas Freeze, in whose
antique shop Carolyn Stoddard works, dis-
covers a centuries-old potion that promises
eternal youth. Soon after, Mr. Freeze's
daughter Hazel, tricked into taking the
serum, dies. Carolyn is grief-stricken over
her friend's death. Barnabas insists she stay
on at the shop to watch Nicholas Freeze and
his associates, one of who Carolyn suspects
is Quentin Collins, back at Collinwood in a

Then Carolyn sees Hazel's ghost.

She interprets this as a warning that Mr.
Freeze has marked her for his next victim.
Barnabas still refuses to let her quit.

Has Barnabas made a fatal mistake by
deliberately endangering Carolyn's life? Or
will his plan avenge Hazel's murder and put
her spirit to rest?

Why does Carolyn need a job? If she does need a job, why doesn't she work for the family? Don't they own a shipyard or something?

Not to mention the fact that the Collins family abandoned a house because it became dusty. It's hard to believe any of them really have an appreciation for antiques.

Plus, I really don't think that Barnabas needs to worry so much about Mr. Freeze. I do believe that the Dynamic Duo are already on the case.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Barnabas, Quentin and the Frightened Bride - Book 22

Barnabas, Quentin and the Frightened Bride by Marilyn (Dan) Ross
published by Paperback Library
Copyright 1970

Ann and John Hayward's honeymoon at
Collinwood slowly turns into a series of

Soon after their arrival, John, who is re-
covering from a war injury, falls victim to
strange, violent spells. In a fit of irrational
jealousy, he accuses his wife of falling in love
with Barnabas Collins.

Meanwhile, a series of attacks on her life
frighten Ann into believing John is trying to
kill her. Though tormented by doubts of
John's sanity, she believes his warning that
Barnabas is a vampire. Ann nevertheless
accepts help from Barnabas - and unknow-
ingly becomes the prey to the evil forces at

Lets break this down, shall we.

Firstly, John Hayward is too cheap to take his wife anywhere good for their honeymoon. I see nothing romantic at all about spending ones first few weeks of marriage around a bunch of angry people you don't know. (that's for Thanksgiving)

Secondly, the only irrational thing about John's jealousy is that it is about Barnabas Collins. How can you suspect your woman of falling for Barnabas when Quentin "Man of Action" is staying in the same house. I have seen that man violently tear a decorator sword from the wall to defend himself and back HARD into a doorknob with barely a flinch. What woman wouldn't fall for that?!

Thirdly, and most importantly, Barnabas Collins is the worst vampire of all time. Why does everyone always "suspect" him of being a vampires? Because he is so painfully obvious with his "I won't be back until after sunset.", "I'll be out of town during the daylight." and "Oh, by the way, I'm not a vampire." stuff. That man really needs to learn a little about playing it close to the vest.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Email for a Reader

I just received my first email from a reader. I was so exited I wanted to share ...

I’m a 53yr old married biker dude who just so happens to love the old Gothic Romances. My wife loves books generally reserved as “guy books” so we really have our roles turned around but hey, it works for us. I really enjoyed going through your web site and blowing up every book cover to take a closer look. I appreciated your comments on the books. I sure hope you keep adding book covers! Are there many people interested in Gothic Romance? I feel like I’m out there all alone until I see a website like yours. Usually they have long since become inactive but you are going on strong. That is refreshing for me. Keep it up!


Tecumseh, Kansas

Thanks Clark. Glad you enjoy the site.

Barnabas, Quentin and the Nightmare Assassin - Book 18

Barnabas, Quentin and the NIghtmare Assassin by Marilyn (Dan) Ross
published by Paperback Library
Copyright 1970

Carolyn Stoddard is knocked unconscious
when the sports car she and Barnbas are rid-
ing in skids on a patch of ice. She regains con-
sciousness in Collinwood with Barnabas and
Quentin Collins at her side - but the year is
1870! And Collinwood is being terrorized by a
savage Killer. Carolyn likes Quentin and re-
fuses to believe that even in werewolf form he
could be the murderer. But even Quentin is
convinced of his own guilt. The old family
lawyer hires someone to kill him. Several days
later, before he can reveal the assassin's name,
the lawyer dies. Quentin has signed his own
death sentence, marked for death by an un-
known killer.

NIGHTMARE ASSASSIN in the eighteenth
in a series of thrilling novels based on ABC-
TV's popular suspense drama, DARK
SHADOWS. For a complete list, see page 2
of this book.

I believe I have actually read this one. But even with the moment by moment back over synopsis, I can't remember it every well. The one thing I do remember is that the "sports car" the back cover refers to is a station wagon, Barnabas, it seems, is constantly being referred to as "handsome" and Caroline seems to want to shag her own cousins. Distant or know, ick.

Best thing about this one? Take a look at the mustache on Roger! Isn't it fabulous. Now there's a real man for you!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Barnabas, Quentin and the Mummy's Curse - Book 16

Barnabas, Quentin and the Mummy's Curse by Marilyn (Dan) Ross
published by Paperback Library
Copyright 1970

When Professor Anthony Collins decides
to catalog his Egyptian relics at Collinwood,
he brings with him the mummy of King Re-
hotip, who "died" over 2000 years ago.
Only the professor knows (and everyone who
saw the quotes around the word dead)
that Rehotip is really in a state of suspended
animation. One night, the professor brings the
mummy to life. (of course he does) Suddenly a
young girl is killed. The police suspect Quentin
Collins. Maggie Evans, certain the killer is the
mummy wants to warn the police. Professor Collins
threatens to accuse Barnabas if she does.
Frightened into silence, Maggie lives in ter-
ror, wondering if she will be the next victim.

Okay, this is the Collins family. They live in Collinwood. They live in a town called Collinsport. Can't they just hush this stuff up like a Kennedy would? Surely there is benefit to being super rich, living in a house everyone in town is too spooked to go near and, most importantly of all, being the biggest employer around. I mean, what's a little bit of "the walking dead" to sixty thousand a year at the Collins family shipyard.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Barnabas Collins and the Gypsy Witch - Book 15

Barnabas Collins and the Gypsy Witch by Marilyn (Dan) Ross
published by Paperback Library
Copyright 1970

Warned by a gypsy witch that violent
death will surround her, Roxanna Collins
turns to her distant cousin, Barnabas, for

But Barnabas is also in trouble. For when
Roxanna's father and brother are murdered
suspicion centers on Barnabas. Even Rox-
anna, who feels she is under some strange
spell, soon begins to doubt the man she has
come to love.

To save his life, Barnabas must prove to
the police - and to Roxanna - that he is inno-
cent. And he must find the key to the mad-
ness and mystery surrounding Collinwood
before Roxanne becomes the next victim in
a nightmare of evil.

teenth in a series of thrilling novels based on ABC-TV's
suspense drama, DARK SHADOWS.

Okay, Barnabas Collins is a vampire. Why does he care if the police as suspicious of him for a crime? Shouldn't he just kill them? I mean, if I were ever a vampire, I would just kill them. All of them. Roxanna, her father, her brother, the police. Everybody really. Then I'd kill the Gypsy Witch for revealing my agenda.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Barnabas Collins and Quentin's Demon - Book 14

Barnabas Collins and Quentin's Demon by Marilyn (Dan) Ross
published by Paperback Library
Copyright 1970


When Quentin Collins invited Lara Balfour to
Collinwood, they knew each other only from the
correspondence that had grown out of Quentin's
admiration for the haunting waltz her father had

Soon Quentin professed to love Lara - but is his
love really a threat? His first wife's throat was torn
out by a wolflike creature who escaped capture.
Since then, other young women had died in the
same grisly fashion ... in the full of the moon, when
Quentin's mysterious "attacks" occur.

Lara faces the terrifying possibility that her
brooding, sensitive host is a werewolf. She won't
leave Collinwood, for that would mean leaving
Barnabas, who she has come to love. But will Bar-
nabas be able to save her, if she strays?

In 1968, when the the Dark Shadows producers began to feel that their immortal vampire wasn't as young as he used to be, the show decided they needed some fresh "eye candy". Well, since nothing gets ladies a-swooning like tall, snide and paste-on mutton chops, (Actually, replace snide with smart-ass and you have my now husband when I first met him. I made him get rid of the mutton chops though.) Quentin Collins was born. Leaving Barnabas to battle him for the ladies attention and forcing him to share the spotlight in all but two of the books that followed Quentin's introduction. Poor, poor Barnabas.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Barnabas Collins In A Funny Vein - Un-numbered

Barnabas Collins In A Funny Vein by No Author Listed
published by Paperback Library
Copyright 1969

Dig the groovy new humor craze
that's sweeping the country
-inspired by TV's cool
ghoul, Barnabas Collins - America's
favorite pain in the neck!

Why did Barnabas accept the part in DARK SHADOWS?
Because they said he could drink on the job.

Why did Barnabas become a vampire?
He failed his blood test.

How does Barnabas open the door to his house?
He uses a skeleton key.

Why does Barnabas like to bite airplane pilots?
He says they make him high.

Why does Barnabas use make-up when he goes on TV?
Otherwise he'd have DARK SHADOWS.

Vampires are well known as they are for their sense of humor this seems like an easy leap to make...

I am actually embarrassed 40 years later for Barnabas Collins.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Barnabas Collins Versus The Warlock - Book 11

Barnabas Collins Versus The Warlock by Marilyn (Dan) Ross
published by Paperback Library
Copyright 1969

David Collins and Amy Jennings, two charming,
innocent children are suddenly turned into demons.
At first their pranks only anny Maggie Evans, their
governess. But soon she realizes they have become
malicious, bent on destroying all at Collinwood.

Convinced the children are possessed by a mys-
terious, supernatural power, and frightened for her
life, Maggie turns for help to Barnabas Collins.

Will his power be strong enough to overcome the
evil forces that captured the minds of the children
before they - and Barnabas - are completely at the
mercy of the Devil himself?

LOCK is the eleventh in a series of thrilling novels
based on ABC-TV's popular suspense drama, DARK

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Foe of Barnabas Collins - Book 9

The Foe of Barnabas Collins by Marilyn (Dan) Ross
published by Paperback Library
Copyright 1969

Barnabas befriends lovely Paula Jennings
right after her marriage to strange, mysteri-
ous Christopher Jennings. He feels protective
towards the lovely heiress because he sus-
pects Christopher is the werewolf who has
been ravaging the countryside. When Chris-
topher is joined by Melissa Henry (the rein-
carnation of the evil Angelique), Barnabas is
certain Paula is in terrible danger.

Barnabas knows he can defeat the evil
werewolf. (well, that kind of takes some of the
suspense away) But will his powers be stronger
than those of the beautiful - and deadly -

the ninth in a series of thrilling novels based
on ABC-TV's popular suspense drama,
DARK SHADOWS. For a complete list, see
page two of this book.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Secret of Barnabas Collins - Book 7

The Secret of Barnabas Collins by Marilyn (Dan) Ross
published by Paperback Library
Copyright 1969

Here is another never-before-told story of the
handsome, mysterious 175-year-old vampire.

While searching for the woman who will
replace his long-lost Josette, and thus end
the terrible curse upon him, Barnabas meets
lovely Clare Duncan. The story of their ro-
mance - and of the terror it brings to the beau-
tiful young noblewoman - is a tale of gothi
suspense which will chill and delight the le-
gions of Barnabas Collins' fans.

seventh in a series of thrilling novels based on ABC -
TV's popular suspense drama, Dark Shadows.
For a complete list, see page two of this book.

What is up with the whole trying to get a girl that "sort of" reminds you of an old girlfriend? How lame can you get? Barnabas really needs to man-up and move on.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Barnabas Collins - Book 6

Barnabas Collins by Marilyn (Dan) Ross
published by Paperback Library
Copyright 1968

Barnabas Collins, the 175-year-old vampire
who has taken the country by storm comes
alive in this new novel of gothic suspense.

Your blood will grow cold as you read the
never-before-told story of the foggy night in
1899 when Barnabas Collins first arrived at
Collinwood. You'll chill to the full horror of
the real truth about Barnabas - a secret so ter-
rible that it could not be revealed until now ...

BARNABAS COLLINS is the sixth in a series of thrilling
novels based on ABC-TV's popular suspense drama,
DARK SHADOWS. For a complete list, see page two
of this book.

More than once in this series of book Barnabas Collins, our sometimes evil, sometimes not, vampires is referred to as "young", his fashion as "mod" and his plastered bangs as "loosely spilling over". Jonathan Frid, the actor who planned Barnabas was already 43 when he began his role as the evil vampires. And not a young 43 either. I can't help but think that Dan Curtis and the bunch might have thought better of it had they known that Barnabas Collins would become so extremely popular as to be made a permit part on the show until its demise. It is hard to believe that this man would have been chased after by so many woman. Must be that vampire mojo.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Curse of Collinwood - Book 5

The Curse of Collinwood by Marilyn (Dan) Ross
published by Paperback Library
Copyright 1968

Do Zombies Walk at Collinwood?

Upset over the death of Ernest Collins,
Victoria begins to believe that phantoms are
haunting her. Are they figments of her imagi-
nation? As the threats to her life become very
real, she is forced to accept the horrifying

The strange figures are not phantoms but
the bodies of Derek and Esther Collins, mur-
dered more than a century ago. They were
unwittingly released from their coffins by a
shaft of moonlight - and doomed to roam the
earth as the "living dead."

Nice! For the last couple of years I have read "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow", the short story by Washington Irving in October but I think this year I may read me a little Marilyn Ross. I have read a couple in the passed and even a several pieces of Dark Shadows Fan Fiction but I think now would be a good time "improve my mind" with some extensive reading.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Mystery of Collinwood - Book 4

The Mystery of Collinwood by Marilyn (Dan) Ross
published by Paperback Library
Copyright 1968

Victoria stood on the ledge known as Suicide
Cliffs and stared down at the raging surf and
jagged rocks below.

Next to her stood Professor Mark Veno, a
mysterious visitor to Collinwood. He spoke to
her in a low sinister voice. "Think of all those
who threw themselves from these very rocks."
His eyes seemed to burn into hers.

"He's hypnotizing me," she thought. She was
unable to make herself look away. "No," she
cried. "He's forcing me to jump!"

The Professor came a step closer, his eyes still

Victoria found herself unable to move - unable
to speak. She was helpless as she felt her will-
power dissolve under his evil spell ....

Victoria Winters not only seems to have very little in the way of good judgment, but she seems to be a bit on the simple side. Not my first choice for a Governess.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Dark Shadows - Book 1

Dark Shadows by Marilyn (Dan) Ross
published by Paperback Library
Copyright 1966

Despite warnings from the townspeople,
Victoria Winters accepts the offer to come to
the strange Collins House as governess. For
some curious reason she feels the secret of her
past may be uncovered in the bleak manor
high on Widow's Hill.

From the moment she arrives, Victoria
becomes the target of someone in the house
determined to destroy her.

As the wind moans and the rain lashes
around the isolated Collins House, Victoria,
without friends in the manor, feels death close
in on her, a choking, frightening death.

Watch for VICTORIA WINTERS the next in this great series by Marilyn Ross

Wow, I am such a big fan of the television show that I find if hard to poke fun at the books. I'm reading this back cover and thinking ... yes, yes ... this sounds GREAT!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dark Shadows Book Series


On June 27, 1966 Dark Shadows aired on ABC. A "Women Running From Houses" saga in soap opera form, halfway through the first year, the looming danger inherent in any Gothic romances was kicked up a notch with the introduction of a real ghost. And, after its first year, facing possible cancellation, the series let go with a plethora of supernatural happenings.

The series added nearly another 4 years to its run by "borrowing" from such classic tales as The Picture of Dorian Gray, Dracula, Frankenstein, The Wolf Man, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Turn of the Screw and Wuthering Heights with the introduction of vampires, werewolves, monsters, witches, warlocks, time travel and a parallel universe. Its last episode aired on April 2, 1971 with a grand total of 1245 episodes under its belt.

Dark Shadows inspired 2 films The House of Dark Shadows in 1970 and Night of Dark Shadows in 1971, a Gold Key comic, a newspaper strip, aired for years in syndication, inspired a miniseries remake in 1991 and rumors of a possible new feature film are always floating around.

But for our purposes, the most important thing is that Dark Shadows inspired a series of 32 fabulous books. Written by Dan Ross, under the pen name Marilyn Ross, the series follows the Collins family through many looming dangers and sinister threats.

Dark Shadows (December 1966)
Victoria Winters (March 1967)
Strangers at Collins House (September 1967)
The Mystery of Collinwood (January 1968)
The Curse of Collinwood (May 1968)
Barnabas Collins (November 1968)
The Secret of Barnabas Collins (January 1969)
The Demon of Barnabas Collins (April 1969)
The Foe of Barnabas Collins (July 1969)
The Phantom and Barnabas Collins (September 1969)
Barnabas Collins vs. the Warlock (October 1969)
The Peril of Barnabas Collins (November 1969)
Barnabas Collins in a Funny Vein (1969)
Barnabas Collins and the Mysterious Ghost (January 1970)
Barnabas Collins and Quentin's Demon (February 1970)
Barnabas Collins and the Gypsy Witch (March 1970)
Barnabas, Quentin and the Mummy's Curse (April 1970)
Barnabas, Quentin and the Avenging Ghost (May 1970)
Barnabas, Quentin and the Nightmare Assassin (June 1970)
Barnabas, Quentin and the Crystal Coffin (July 1970)
Barnabas, Quentin and the Witch's Curse (August 1970)
The Dark Shadows Book of Vampires And Werewolves (August 1970)
Barnabas, Quentin and the Haunted Cave (September 1970)
Barnabas, Quentin and the Frightened Bride (October 1970)
House of Dark Shadows (October 1970)
Barnabas, Quentin and the Scorpio Curse (November 1970)
Barnabas, Quentin and the Serpent (December 1970)
Barnabas Collins A Personal Picture Album (December 1970)
Barnabas, Quentin and the Magic Potion (January 1971)
Barnabas, Quentin and the Body Snatchers (February 1971)
Barnabas, Quentin and Dr. Jekyll's Son (April 1971)
Barnabas, Quentin and the Grave Robbers (June 1971)
Barnabas, Quentin and the Sea Ghost (August 1971)
Barnabas, Quentin and the Mad Magician (October 1971)
Barnabas, Quentin and the Hidden Tomb (December 1971)
Barnabas, Quentin and the Vampire Beauty (March 1972)

In 1998, Lara Parker an actress from the show added a new novel to the Collins saga and again in 2006.

Dark Shadows: Angélique's Descent (December 1998)
The Salem Branch (July 2006)

Now sadly I do not own all of these books but I do have my fair share of them and my hope is to share them with you in a special